
First Post of My Photoblog

Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a native of Miami, Florida. When not suing people or defending people from lawsuits, I shoot photos. My photos are typically nature photos, but I do shoot other scenes from time to time, from portraits to city scenes, and whatever interesting items come my way. I'm going to try to use this photo blog to post new images each day if I can or every other day, or whenver I get the bloody chance to post. I may write an essay from time to time based on the posted image. So hopefully this wild ride will be interesting.

Here is a photo of Downtown Miami at Sunset. I took this shot from a moving car at 55mph. Got to give credit to those Canon Digital Cameras. This City has changed a lot from when I used to visit it as a young child. Some say for the better, others will tend to differ with their opinion. South Florida is a treasure trove of natural beauty which is destroyed on a daily basis by more people, more building, and continued short sightedness. Hence the reason I opt for the swamps and plains of the Everglades.


Anonymous said...

"South Florida is a treasure trove of natural beauty which is destroyed on a daily basis by more people, more building, and continued short sightedness. Hence the reason I opt for the swamps and plains of the Everglades."


Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog and thanks for including a link to my website

