
Something Completely Different - A Hippie Chick Walking a Parrot on the Beach

Saw this most peculiar hippie chick walking her parrot one morning on the beach at Anna Maria Island.
I asked, "how strange, where'd you pick that up?"
And the parrot responded, "At a Ned Lamont rally, they've got dozens of them there. You feed them some weed and they're happy for the entire day."
Such is an example of what photographers have to deal with while out on location.
Until next time infidels, this is the Parrothead Photographer signing off with the words of the greatest American Humorist and Writer, Mark Twain:
"If smoking cigars is not permitted in heaven, I won't go".
Mark Twain
So I guess it begs the question then, do they show Tom and Jerry cartoons in heaven?


Bonnie said...

Lovely treatment.

So smoking is bad but beatings are okay? Makes sense to me.... Not. Heaven, well if you want Tom And Jerry playing in your Heaven.... so be it. ;)

Anonymous said...

They make for a great Image!

Pete Moss said...

Yes and Willie Coyote is a terrorist because he's always trying to blow up the roadrunner...
They are next...