
Ernesto Who?


Looks like we will be dodging a bullet folks. The 8:00 p.m. advisory has now dropped the hurricane watch. We're just gonna get hit with a weak tropical storm. Fine by me. Yes, I put up shutters and what not, and I'll take some of them down in the next few days, but better safe than sorry about the neighbor's coconut coming through the window.

Hopefully, we won't get flooded. So that's all for now. I have power and TV so I'll catch up with you infidels manana.

Here's a photo of Cocoa Beach during a storm.

UPDATE: It's 12:25 a.m. and there's barely a sprinkle out there. I had more rain and flooding last week with the normal summer rain storms we get here in South Florida. Heck, I've not even heard a crack of thunder today. The bulk of the storm is north of me right now. And just like his namesake, Ernesto "Che", this storm proved to be a wimp. As my mom would say, "Por si las moscas" which means, "just in case" or translated literally means, "in case of the flies", I'm leaving the shutters up on the bedroom windows until the end of hurricane season. I pretty much wasted a whole day and I'll be back in my office in Downtown Fort Lauderdale first thing tommorrow morning. So thanks to all those prayers out there. We lucked out.


Bonnie said...

Let's hope it becomes nothin' more than a depression before it finds it's way ashore.

I do love your beach scenes, especially in a storm.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that it will be a TS instead!

What and awesome photo! the colors are just wonderful!

Unknown said...

Lovely photos! Glad that the hurricane spared you this time. Keep on keeping on!