Happy Thursday. As you can see from this image I took a few years back in St. Augustine, Florida, the world has truly gone to the dogs. In the last week, some clown has decided to sell shirts of Sesame Street characters posing as gangstas and druggies. How profane. http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7358/249/1600/9265193.jpg
I also read that pinko filmmaker Oliver Stone is going to make a one sided propoganda film about Hugo Chavez like he did with Fidel. Who's Ollie going to film next? Robert Mugabi? This moe-ron never met a despot he didn't like. But that's not all...
Now, I read that the sexy actress Cate Blanchett is being hired to portray Bob Dylan in an upcoming film.
This is like having Bruce Willis playing Tina Turner. Or having Madonna play Ringo Starr. Or having Angelina Jolie play Keith Richards (Mick Jagger would not be so far off. They share the same lips).
All I can say is that it's the end of times people. We're talking real fire and brimstone here! Dogs and cats sleeping together! End of the world stuff! Mass hysteria.
Repent infidels. This place has sure gone crazy and as the great Alan Jackson once said...
"Pour me somethin' tall an' strong, Make it a "Hurricane" before I go
insane. It's only half-past eight a.m. but I don't care. It's five o'clock
Poor dog. I recall some song or poem says:
Bless the beasts and the children
For in this world they have no voice. They have no choice.
Cool photo though...
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