One of the newest places for birders and avian photographers in South Florida is the Green Cay Wetlands in Delray Beach, Florida. It's east of the Florida Turnpike on Hagen Ranch Road, just about a mile or so from Atlantic Avenue.
They have a mile long boardwalk and a large population of wading birds. As you can see from this image, during the mornings, the egrets and herons line up on the flight deck to catch their morning breakfast. I count 13 waders in this shot.
You do have to put up with the retired old folks over there however. I was in the middle of composing a shot of a bird, when the old woman speed walking scared it away. Best time to shoot here is early morning and late afternoon. If you're lucky you may run into an American Kestral over there. Last year there were huge stilt families. I've not seen them since Wilma.
One of the friendly species I found there was this black crowned night heron.

Hopefully I'll run into you folks out there. You'll likely see a lot of photographers. If you're not a photographer and just passing through, please be cognizant and courteous to the artists. You can find more information here:
Hasta la vista Infidels.
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