I'm sorry for the program interruption and for submitting y'all to the ugly mugs of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales (Dumb & Dumber) with schmattes on their head. Here instead I offer you a more pleasant vision for the eye, the Red Crested Porchard duck. This one is the local one who lives at Crandon Gardens in Key Biscayne, Florida. While an exotic duck, they are quite stunning especially in the spring when they get their breeding colors. This porchard is named Pancho. Pancho was named by Fabiola, one of our great local avian photographers. You'll find Pancho in the ponds seven days per week. There used to be some more red crested porchards at the pond, but they were eaten by the american crocodile who lives in the pond.
Pancho is probably the most photographed duck in Miami. Photographers from around the world go to Crandon for the exotic waterfowl and always manage to get a shot of Pancho in all of his glory. He charges commission now, or so I am told.
That's all for now. Ciao infidels.
Awesome. Incredible colors..
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