In yesterday's post about Pedro El Carpintero, http://mpancier.blogspot.com/2006/05/pedros-escape-from-cuban-prison.html#links, I made reference to El Máximo Líder. You know who I'm talking about right? The Cretin of the Carribean? Little Joe Jr.? The anal pustile of the Americas? Hugo Chavez' butt pirate? In any event, after some discussions with Pedro El Carpintero, I decided to show y'all an image of the beast that I managed to take many years ago when the beast entered US Territory to speak at the United Nations in New York. Thanks to a good telephoto lens, I managed to capture his ugly mug.
So here it is my friends, El Máximo Líder in all of his glory.
As you can see, he tries to hide his ugliness by wearing a suit of leaves rather than his standard fatigues. But not even the fine plumage of a bald eagle can hide the evil he embodies. History will not absolve him; it will indict him among the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and the other assassins of the last century. He will have his place in the seventh circle where he will have to endure all of his victims crapping on him for all eternity.
We used to refer to him as the "Aura Tiñosa," and it looks like this bird is it.
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