But how uncool Hi-Def is when it comes to really seeing certain folks close up. You can see all the spots, wrinkles, make up blotches. Egad. In fact, this morning, I saw Mass. Sen. Ted Kennedy in High Def.... it was frightening. Makes you rather leave the human world and just concentrate on fish as for the time being, there is always fish. Whether in the ocean or in an aquarium, fish are there to chill you out. One can chill over in this place at the St. Pete Pier. One can stare at the fish for a long time. Hours perhaps. Then when you're done, you can actually fish for fish from the pier. But why fish? Henry David me things, says it all:
“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after."
Henry David Thoreau.
Yes!! Staring at fish for hours can be fascinating! I suggest though you find a quiet comfortable place, out of the way of foot traffic and relax a while. Soothing for the sole, especially if the mind is un-quiet and sensing space and time out of proportions of everyday life. Be prepared to be amazed and wowed at things as you have never imagined. Just know who and what you are dealing with. Craw.
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