Thus far, I've not slept in about a week as I've been learning how to take advantage of the advantes of the Intel Based Mac Pro. Who needs vista is all I say. What is cool is the anticipation of the new OSX Leopard which should be out in a few months as well as Photoshop CS 3. Of course, many of my plug ins and actions will not work on CS 3. I'm particularly bummed about my favorite plug in, Lucis Art. It may be a year before that one is redone so as to work on PS 3. I may simply have to use the lap top to use Lucis Art and then transfer it to the Mac for further editing. Ironically, the only problem I had with the Mac was in using Entourage from...ahem, Microsoft. I've switched to Apple Mail and I-Cal. Much easier and stable. Go figure.
I'm even more amazed as to how fast my Mac runs MS Windows XP in the Parallel program. Much faster than my Dell laptop. Y'all can suffer with Vista. I'm a Mac dude henceforth.
Have a splendid time this weekend. Carry on now!
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