My sources indicate that Santi Clo is planning to spend a few days on the beach in Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. While there, he may see some local street musicians having a descarga (jam session) such as the one I documented here in the 1980's.
My sources also tell me that Santi Clo is packing with him a case of Bacardi's Havana Club Puerto Rican rum. So until next time, this is the parrothead photographer signing off.
Intelligence sources have tracked the jolly old fat man thought the year. Malicious three letter acronym government agencies have intercepted clause network communications indicating that after the "holiday run" the fat man will be in Las Vegas, NV after performing his miracle feat. This, according to several high sources, this is a serious situation which may raise the national emergency status to code "red light." This is due in part to the after Christmas celebration planed by the fat man code named "Ho, Ho HO!" All women in the immediate Las Vegas Area are advised to double their rates!
A. Jew
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