It's the end of the week infidels. Busier than ever. Heading out to the Glades manana for an IPT with Art Morris which will be exciting. Hope to have more images. I also hope to get my Adobe Lightroom. It was supposed to ship already dammit. Let's see, I just finished this book,
The Supreme Court: The Personalities and Rivalries That Defined America -- fantastic book. I downloaded the whole thing into my IPOD from Audible.Com and heard it this week in its entirety during my long commutes. I'm now listening to LBJ - by Doris Kearns Goodman. It was praised as one of the top Presidential bios by the WSJ this week, so I'll be listening to it for the next week or so, and then I'll be chilling with Huck Finn which I downloaded as well.
I guess that's the only advantage of long commutes, you can educate yourself by listening to books. The new IPODS are great in this regard. You get the unabridged versions and no CD changes. Bitchin dude!
It's been a circus here in Broward this week with the Anna Nicole Corpse trial. That's all you see on the news down here. There's more important crap going on the world, and they keep force feeding us this crap.
Finally, Wade's injury looks bad -- really bad. Let's see how the rest of the season works out for the Heat.
It's 9:45am and I want my drink already. Until next time -- I'm a ghost!
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