The famous quote is from the great playright, George Bernard Shaw. I thought it fitting today as such a saying compliments my image from Key Biscayne, Florida. One may wonder why I enjoy shooting so many images from Key Biscayne. Simple, my reason is. Key Biscayne is one of the few locations where you get a western view over the bay and ergo, a sunset view. This image is why I enjoy my birthplace of Florida so much and why I will never leave. In fact, not even a hurricane or global warming, or even iguanas or pythons can chase me away. Nothing says chill better than lying under a palm tree looking at the ocean at sunset while holding one's favorite libation in one hand and a cigar in the other. It's priceless and you get a different show every day. And generally speaking, this vision is gratis.
So infidels, I hereby make a toast...to the Sunshine State of Florida . . . the greatest place on earth.
PS: If you disagree with my opinion, I-95 North is waiting for you.
Here here! I gladly toast right along with you, Mike.
As native of So.FL, born, breed, raised, and educated I took the road north and I have not regretted one second of my escape. Nay, I cherish my freedom from Heissian hijinks and stupid people. I relish my seasons, winter and all. The sense of time one gains by the passing of REAL seasons is indescribable and only understandable by living through a few years of the changing seasons. I leave you to your alleged paradise (shrinking due to developers and dying by neglect) to which I will visit, but never plan on returning to live.
Well Craw, the northern frigid paradise is shrinking as well due to developers so that evens out and there are just as much "Heissian hijinks and stupid people" up north too. In fact, many of them end up down here in retirement communities.
To each his own. For me, I've seen the seasons. I've seen fall in Maine and Eastern Pennsylvania. Nothing equals autumn in New England. But I like it for a week or two cause then they get winters so cold your eyes freeze shut.
I've spent springtime in New York State and in the California mountains.
I've seen the Nevada desert.
I've felt winter in NYC.
All these places are great to visit. But my heart and soul will always remain here in Florida by my palm trees. I will wear shorts all year round. I will drink outdoors all year round without the fear that my drink will freeze in the cup. And, I will enjoy all my avian critters that live here too.
Florida rules.. Too bad so many people have discovered it.
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