August 13 is usually looked as the birth date of a decrepit tyrant. To me, this date has always been my dad's birthday. He would have turned 85 today. Since his untimely death in 1994, I would always commiserate about my dad on this day with my mom. Now for the first time in my life, I no longer have her to commiserate with. As an only child growing up it was essentially Mom, Dad, the Cuban Abuelos, and me that lived together. As the years went on, my grandfather died in 1977, my grandmother in 1988, my dad in 1994 and my mom in 2008. Now I'm at the top of the heap as they say.
If there is a Heaven where all the souls are hanging out and partying and what not, then I know that my old man is celebrating today with my mom. I'm sure she's playing the piano for him which he and their old friends are enjoying once again.
As for me, in the words of Beatle George Harrison, "All I have is a photograph and I realize you're not coming back anymore." It's a good thing I always took pictures. It's the one bit of advice I can always give anyone. Even if you're not a photographer, always take pictures of your loved ones and friends. In everyday settings, not just holidays and special events. I took this photograph in 1978 on B&W film as a teenager. It's always been one of my favorite pics of the old man. My grandmother's reflection is in the image too. Probably one of my most treasured images.
So rather than expend energy on the evil tyrant today, I'll toast the old man. Salut!